A cozy and warm home is the desire of every owner…- the building must be strong enough and last for more than one decade;- in our latitudes, the walls should be frost-resistant;- an ideal microclimate for life with constant indicators of temperature and humidity must be maintained inside;Enclosing structures must have good thermal insulation.Install the application "Heat engineering O.K." and you will be able to:- to carry out a preliminary simplified construction heat engineering calculation of the enclosing structures (walls) of a residential building;- analyze and determine the required thickness of the insulation, in accordance with the specified region of the proposed construction;- build a thermogram of the distribution of temperature zones in the thickness of the building envelope;– independently calculate the resistance to heat transfer of your window glass [SPO / SPD]."Heat engineering O.K." during the calculation, offers the option of choosing:- several common options for the design of external walls used in private construction;- various materials of the supporting structure (the application includes general background information on the properties of the selected building material);- types of insulation used or design variant without thermal insulation;– calculation of the structure with the device of a hinged ventilated facade or facing layer, with the possibility of constructing a thermogram for the option of remote mounting of the window structure into the insulation zone [with sufficient thickness of the insulation].One of the main issues that you need to decide at the very beginning of building your own house is the material and constructive solution of the walls [the cost of building walls is up to a quarter of all the costs of building a building]. To solve this issue in accordance with energy efficiency standards, the heat transfer resistance of the designed structure (wall) is calculated - a property that shows how much it is able to retain heat.This construction calculator uses the methods of regulatory documents in the calculation -SP 23-101-2004 Design of thermal protection of buildings,SP 50.13330.2012 Thermal protection of buildings,SP 131.13330.2020 Building climatology,GOST EN 673 Glass and glassware. Methods for determining thermal characteristics.Application - determining the results, allows you to build informative thermograms and generates a detailed report on the stages of the calculations.Happy building!